Preorder (Closes on date found in title) – Sarahsgiftsandmore

Collection: Preorder (Closes on date found in title)

This album contains any preorders we are running. The date found in the title is when the preorder will end. Some preorders have extended turn around times. Estimated arrival is in the description for the items.
Why Preorders? It helps to keep inventory down and to offer a more variety of items. Preorders are a way to order specific colors and to ensure we order the right amount of product for each order. 
Many times once the preorder is over, items may be no longer available for purchase. Preorders take a little longer to arrive but secures your order. :)
Additional prints are not guaranteed to be order. Once preorder prints are ordered I cannot order additional. If you like something offered during the preorder make sure to snag it up!
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